Planning and navigating a product career
Courses that provide guidance on planning and navigating a successful product career. Learn how to create a roadmap for career growth, gain context from peers and mentors, and develop the skills needed to build great products. Explore frameworks for intentional career building, understand the options and trajectory of a product manager's career, and gain wisdom for transitioning to leadership roles. Find courses that offer advice, guidance, and interview tips to help define and achieve your product career path.
Product Management Career Ladders
Hiring Product Managers
Platform Product Management
Finance for PMs
Product Leadership
Product Roadmaps
Planning and navigating a product career
Courses that provide guidance on planning and navigating a successful product career. Learn how to create a roadmap for career growth, gain context from peers and mentors, and develop the skills needed to build great products. Explore frameworks for intentional career building, understand the options and trajectory of a product manager's career, and gain wisdom for transitioning to leadership roles. Find courses that offer advice, guidance, and interview tips to help define and achieve your product career path.